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quarta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2020

New post from the NAACP: NAACP-Pennsylvania State Conference Fights to Ensure Mail-in Ballots Are Counted by Marc Banks

(WASHINGTON, DC) — The NAACP-Pennsylvania State Conference filed a friend of the court brief today in Trump for President v. Montgomery County Board of Elections to ensure that all valid mail-in and absentee ballots in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania are counted. The Trump campaign is once again trying to use a technicality to prevent voters from exercising their constitutional right to vote safely and securely. The campaign argues that ballots should be discarded if they do not include the voters’ address on the declaration. 

Pennsylvania’s election law does not include this requirement, and the Montgomery Board of Elections has already ruled that it is not required. The Trump campaign is attempting to disenfranchise 600 voters. 

Every ballot must be counted and every American deserves to have their voice heard. 

The post NAACP-Pennsylvania State Conference Fights to Ensure Mail-in Ballots Are Counted appeared first on NAACP.

Read more here.

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