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terça-feira, 25 de agosto de 2020

New post from the NAACP: The Response to the Pandemic by Adam Lee

The Coronavirus pandemic has hit communities of color – particularly African Americans – disproportionately hard.  African Americans are infected with COVID-19 at nearly three times the rate of white Americans, and are twice as likely to die from the virus.  Furthermore, systemic racism hasn’t just evidenced itself in the health care system:  because of the long and enduring history of bigotry and inequality in our nation, the impact of the pandemic is being felt much more acutely by African Americans in almost every aspect of life.  From unemployment to rental evictions to hunger to the ability for our children to learn remotely to safely casting a ballot, and that is just naming a few areas, African Americans are having to deal with the pain of the pandemic on our lives at disproportionately higher cases than white Americans – too many of whom are suffering as well.

These unprecedented times require extraordinary, bold, new, comprehensive and well-honed leadership and empathy by our federal government.

For more information and to find out how you can advocate, please read our Action Alert and take Fast Action.

The post The Response to the Pandemic appeared first on NAACP.

Read more here.

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