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quarta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2021

New post from the NAACP: Leading Civil Rights Organizations Demand Passage of George Floyd Justice in Policing Act by Marc Banks

National Urban League * NAACP Legal Defense Fund * National Action Network * National Coalition on Black Civic Participation * Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights * National Council of Negro Women * NAACP * Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law

The leaders of the nation’s most influential civil rights and social justice organizations have scheduled a media briefing on Wednesday, February 24, to demand federal action to reform the nation’s police departments through passage of the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act.

Scheduled to participate in the briefing are :

  • Derrick Johnson, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People President & CEO
  • Marc H. Morial, National Urban League President & CEO
  • Sherrilyn Ifill, NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund President & Director-Counsel
  • Al Sharpton, National Action Network President
  • Melanie Campbell, National Coalition on Black Civic Participation President & CEO
  • Wade Henderson, Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights Interim President & CEO
  • Johnnetta Betsch Cole, National Council of Negro Women National Chair & President
  • Damon Hewitt, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law Executive Vice President


The media briefing will take place on Wednesday, February 24 at 11:30am EST via Zoom. Registration is required.  Please visit the following link to register:


WHO:                  Leaders of the nation’s top civil rights and social justice advocacy organizations


WHAT:                Media briefing on the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act

WHEN:                Wednesday, February 24, 2021, 11:30 am Eastern Time



The post Leading Civil Rights Organizations Demand Passage of George Floyd Justice in Policing Act appeared first on NAACP.

Read more here.

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